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Mobile Application Source Code

The “Source Code” Feature on your app editor will allow you to paste in raw HTML code.
This is especially useful for embedding things like Livestream video players or other sources of media hosted externally.

Here’s a helpful video overview that covers the basics of the “Source Code” feature:

{loadmodule mod_gantry5_particle,Siberian “Source Code” Embed}

If you’re used to working with HTML code, this is your playground. Have fun with it!
If not, don’t worry – there are still plenty of other tools elsewhere in the editor that will help you customize your app. Head back over to the Features Overview page to learn more.

If you’ve purchased a Livestreaming service from us and would like it embedded in your app, our team would be happy to help! Give us a call at 1-800-827-5167 or send an email to web.team@kingdom.com

Mobile Application Source Code

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